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Crystal Lindsay
Geboren inUnited States
40 years
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Emmy Hernandez 333 June 10, 2012
For a several years I would always see the numbers 333 and think about you Chrissy.  I never looked up what the meant until today.  I always thought seeing that number so many times a day was your way of letting me know that you are here with me. I've always felt like it was our number. Today I looked up what that number meant because I was curious if others seen it as much as I keep seeing it. Tears rolled down my face when I read this beautiful message that I'm about to share with everyone.

According to Doreen Virtue, the author of Angel Numbers 101, numbers are the primary tool that the angels use to communicate with us.  You may be seeing the angel number 333 on grocery bills, telephone numbers, license plates, and more and wondering what does 333 mean?

According to the book Angel Numbers 101, the angel number 333 means

    “You are completely surrounded, protected, loved, and guided by the benevolent ascended masters.”

So not to worry, 333 is a positive and loving message from the angels that you are loved and guided!

Me and mom would play scrabble and tie with the numbers 333... We look at the clock and 333 appears... It happens every day, several times a day.. This is my favorite number and now I know it's your way of communicating with me. I'm so happy...... I love you so much Chrissy!
Brandon Lindsay :) Love you May 26, 2012
Love you Aunt Chrissy, I miss you and I'll see you soon. Time goes by way to fast.
Gesamtanzahl Erinnerungen: 12
Seiten:: 3  « 1 2 3 »
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